On the eve of this Autumnal Equinox
As our beloved whirling Planet Approaches
Her Moment of Balance and Equality
Between Darkness and Light,
We Join With Spirit Together,
Using Our Voices, Breath, and Bodies
To Move, Connect and Attune
With these Opposing
Forces Within Each of Us.
During this Time,
We are Given Precious Opportunity
To Clearly Sense These Inner Forces
that Keep Us at War
With Ourselves and Each Other.
As We Breathe Together,
Honoring and Accepting what is Here Now,
We Prepare Our Passage into Fall.
Join Me in this Harvest Time.
What messages will you receive
from the fruits of your labor this year?
What is ready to be picked and shared now?
What still needs more time?
Come with me on this adventure of Self-Uncovery!